Caroline Streatfield
MA Painting - Student Rep
I volunteered to be the student rep for our year . This entailed liaising with students and taking any concerns to monthly meetings with the head of fine art and other staff members. There were also other student reps from other courses attending.
I thought this would be good professional practice of communicating in meetings and meeting other students. Also in the past I have taught art in Colleges and I wanted to get some more experience of liaising between students and staff.
Tate Exchange
I got invited by Alban Low to collaborate on a project he was leading at the Tate exchange. Alban wanted artists to think about what mental health means and to volunteer words to go on an interactive underground type board game. Here is the outcome.
Made in Arts London
I have been selected as an MiAL artist which means that I was chosen along with 30 other students across the 6 Colleges, Central St Martins, Chelsea College of Arts, Wimbledon College of Art, Camberwell College of Art, London College of Communication,London College of Fashion to receive mentorship and be represented for two years by UAL. Below is the selection.
May 2019
I am now a associate member of OHOS an artist run space in Reading
OHOS was set up for the “non-commercial” artist, defined by the National Federation of Artists’ Studio Providers as “one who makes art work primarily for its creative, cultural, intellectual or philosophical value, rather than its commodity value.
These two paintings have been selected for 2 shows, The first at SEAS( Socially Engaged Art Saloon ) in Brighton during the month of May.
I went to the opening of the show and did a very impromptu talk about my work to a audience and they asked me back to do a 10 min powerpoint presentation on he 26th May, see below for the clip of talk at SEAS

The 2nd exhibition that I have been shortlisted for is the 'Tales of the Iconic' on 9th July – Monday 5th Aug in Hebdon Bridge.
this exhibition is about how 'Occasionally throughout our lives, we develop deep, serene connections with complete strangers, artefacts and places. This connection can strike inspiration within us at random times and in rather unsystematic ways. Perhaps when visiting your regular haunt, you stumble across something or someone you’ve never seen before and your attention to detail awakens, or perhaps your town or village has a local landmark or character that in their own rights becomes a legend.
For our ‘Tales of the Iconic’ exhibition, we’re looking for your visual representations of these experiences, whether a painting or photograph; whether a person, object or place, we want to see how and why you’ve documented and connected with it.
Caversham Arts trail 11-12th and 18-19th May
\This is a local arts trail near where I live I have done it for the last 4 years and this year a client who I painted a mural for invited me to exhibit in her summer house. She has a huge garden with a wild area at the bottom so it was really relaxing and when not busy I managed to film my unit 3 film and then I showed it to the customers to get feedback.I showed previous work and my work from this course and explained it.

Interim Show 3-5 May 2019
As a group we put on an interim show at the Nunnery at Bow Arts Trust. I was part of the hanging commitee, which entailed attended planning meetings, collecting the hire fee of the other students and planning the invigilating rota. I also hung the work on the day with the rest of the hanging commitee. This was a lesson in diplomacy as we all had different ideas of how the work should be hung, but by the second day we had a rythm going and it all started to fit together like a jigsaw. it was good practice in collaboration. The opening night was not too busy and it would have been more successful if more people had turned up. But in my experience opening nights can be a bit hit and miss and people who say they are going to come cant at the last min as something comes up and I've learnt to not be too disappointed and try and think of the experience of planning the show as valid as well.

In March I was selected for an exhibition at the Art Pavilion in Mile End with a painting that I did in 2018.I helped out on the opening night with the bar and it was the busiest opening night I have ever attended. The overall running of the exhibition was curated by Judit Prieto and there were talks and performances throughout the running of the exhibition.